Do You Know What Your Dog Is Thinking...?
Of course you do - you're a dog lover!
That's why people love my
Funny Dogs section. It offers up a way to let your pet be a bit more expressive!
So why not share your pet's thoughts? You can use my suggestions or give me your own. Either way, your
custom portrait will be a big hit!
Got a working dog? I can make sure he's dressed properly for a pet portrait that spells it all out. Just look at "Sargent" for an example.
Funny Dogs category is great for those photos that show some of your dog's "attitude". So if you have a great dog photo you'd like me to add some pazazz to, send it along.
Creating pet portraits from photos requires that you to send the very best photo you have. Blurred shots make it hard to see details, so try to supply the highest resolution and sharpest images. To find out more about photo resolution, click here:
digital chart.
My comic dog paintings make great gifts. And with my instant-download service, you could have your very own painting ready to download to your desktop in no time!
Got a pet-lover friend you think would love a one-of-a-kind pet portrait as a gift? Then offer a Pet Artist
Gift Certificate. This makes a great gift for someone who has everything.